Tank Rental Packages / Rent to Buy
We get many calls for rentals of fuel tanks. In most cases, what people really need is a tank plus a way of getting the fuel out of the tank. So as in all the other aspects of our business, we tailor a package to suit you.
We aren't just any rental company, we specialise in fuel storage and dispensing and we know from experience that you will appreciate something a little special. Apologies up front if we are a little picky about who we rent to, you will appreciate this when you get to use our rental equipment. When delivered it will be in perfect working order and seamlessly provide your equipment with fuel.
► 3kL with 60lpm electric pump 12v or 240v $350/w + GST
► 6kL with 60lpm electric pump 12v or 240v $470/w + GST
► 6kL with fuel management system & 70lpm pump 240v $660/w + GST
► 12kL with fuel management system & 70lpm pump 240v $1050/w + GST
► 33kL with fuel management system & 100lpm pump 240v $1350/w + GST
► Site commissioning as required $110/h + GST
► 110 lpm hand pump or full solar powered options available by request
► Prices subject to change, ex Chipping Norton, delivery/pickup extra
► Rental payable weekly in advance by direct debit from credit card or bank account
LONG TERM RENTAL RATES - Minimum 12 months
► 6kL with fuel management system & 70lpm pump 240v $760/m + GST
► 12kL with fuel management system & 70lpm pump 240v $1150/m + GST
► 33kL with fuel management system & 100lpm pump 240v $1450/m + GST
► 70kL with fuel management system & 160lpm pump 240v $1750/m + GST
► Full solar powered options120lpm, 100% duty cycle extra $350/m + GST
► Site commissioning as required $110/h + GST
► Packages are tailor made to suit your requirements
► Rental payable monthly in advance to approved customers
► Buyback option available at pre-agreed price less % of rental payments
► Prices subject to change, ex Chipping Norton, delivery and pickup extra

When you make a rental arrangement, we think it's a good idea to have a good understanding of what you're getting into. Many of our customers are switching to the bulk self managed fuel for the first time. Here are some questions you may like to ask...
► What is the minimum time frame for this rental?
We offer both short (6-8 weeks) and long term (minimum 1 year) rentals depending on tank availability. We also arramge rentals while you wait for your own tank to be built in our workshop. Or maybe you have some other convincing reason why we should rent to you for a specific period? Get creative!
► How do I get the best price from my fuel distributor?
You make it easy for them to work with you!
- Take full compartments of fuel at a time - say 6000 to 8000 litres, or full tanker loads, say 30,000 to 35,000 litres. ie, get the right size tank from JOYQUIP.
- When your fuel distributor arrives at your site, make it easy and safe for the driver to get close to your tank, connect easily and fill your tank as efficiently as possible.
- Make sure your tank is capable of being filled quickly and that it's safe fill level is correct.
- The driver is your best friend so make then a cup of tea when they're finished.
- Getting the best price may not be about getting 5 quotes every time you need a load, over the long term you may do better by choosing a supplier with the best attitude! Not running out of fuel is an important criteria.
► What size dispenser do I need?
This depends on the quantity of fills and the average volume of the fill that you do. Some customers top their trucks up every evening when their drivers return to base.
► Why do I need a fuel management system?
Every tank has a fuel management system, some are manual, some are semi-automated, some are more automated. So some are more effective than others and the benefits you receive depend on how tightly you like to manage your costs.
- Manual fuel management systems are fine if you trust your neighbours and your operators, if you don't need a breakup of how much your rebateable equipment uses v the non-rebateable equipment, if you don't need to understand consumption of various parts of your fleet, if you haven't got a bunch of different cost centres that you need to post the fuel costs to.
- You need a fuel management system if you are not sure where all the money you spend on fuel is going.
► What is the benefit of having a tank gauging system in my tank?
Benefits of gauging typically become clearer once installed. Easier reconciliation of fuel delivered v fuel consumed, remote reading of fuel levels enable better inventory management by using features such as re-order point alerts. Sometimes the benefit can be enable the fuel supplier to lower their costs through more efficient scheduling.
► Do I need any filtration on my fuel?
Most fuel delivered today is of excellent quality so only minor filtration equipment is required. Some tanks are better designed to deal with condensation and water intake, check if your design is up to scratch. If fuel is left sitting too long or you don't know it's source then you may need to improve the filtration quality.